Liaising with Parents
Our pupils experience greatest success when we work in partnership with them and their parents. Thus, parents have a key role to play in encouraging their child as a learner and promoting the value of what the school can do for them. It is also important that the school is informed of any change in circumstances that could impact on a pupil’s well-being or capacity to learn. Good communication is vital between home and school in order to maximize the positive benefits of this partnership.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
We ask that you as a parent take an active interest in your child’s learning and support the work of our staff by attending Parent-Teacher Meetings and Parent Information Evenings.
Other Contact
Parents are encouraged to make contact with the school if they have any concerns. A pupil’s Year Head is generally the first point of contact, although the Vice-Principal and Principal will also address concerns, as necessary. However, we ask that parents telephone the school to make an appointment, rather than arriving unexpectedly, as staff have other time commitments during the school day. Alternatively, you may leave a message with the school secretary and the relevant member of staff will return your call at their earliest convenience.
Help for You
The school can advise on a range of parenting issues which may impact on your child’s welfare. If you require support in this area please contact us. We also work in partnership with parents and other agencies to support young people, as necessary.
Alternatively you might find the following contacts useful: