Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
KS3 Employability
Employability is taught across year 8 and 9 at KS3 in one period per week. Pupils are encouraged to develop thinking and personal capabilities in relation to employability and the world of work. Pupils will practise and refine individual skills and specific techniques through problem solving tasks and have opportunities to discuss and demonstrate solutions to problems.
Year 8
Local and Global Economy
Career Management
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Skills and Capabilities of work
Year 9:
Working in the Local and Global Economy
The European Union
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Career Management
Individual Learning Styles
Careers Education
All pupils in KS4 & KS5 receive one period of taught Careers. Careers builds upon the work already completed through the Employability programme in Years 8 and 9. It allows pupils to develop their personal career planning skills.
Year 10:
Continued focus on Preferred Learning Styles
Development of Skills & Qualities
Experiences of Work (Sentinus)
Options Process – research into subjects and associated career pathways
GCSE/BTEC Subject Choice
STEM Careers
Year 11:
Review of KS3 and expectations of KS4
Labour Market Information
Changing Career Opportunities in N.Ireland
Employment Rights
Health & Safety at Work
Work Experience Planning and Preparation (last week in June)
Use of Higher Ideas Software
Year 12:
Evaluation of Work Experience Placement
Personal Career Planning
Recruitment and Selection: application forms, CVs, interviews
Interview Skills Day
Applications for college, employment, training organisations and Sixth Form
Post-16 Options - A Level/BTEC subject choices
Sixth Form
Career Guidance interviews
Use of higher Ideas Software
Work Experience Placement
UCAS / CAO planning and application
Mock Interview Practice
Post-18 Options