Child Protection
Safeguarding the welfare of each pupil in our care is a key priority. Our central principle is that every child has the right to be safe from harm and to have proper care given to his/her physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Consequently, the child’s welfare is of paramount importance and all appropriate steps will be taken in line with our Child Protection Policy to ensure that obligation is met.
School Safeguarding Team
Members of the School Safeguarding team are:
Chair of the Board of Governors (Mr E Stevenson)
Designated Governor for Child Protection (Mr R Watson)
Principal (Mrs S Wilson)
Designated Teacher for Child Protection (Mrs S Cashel)
Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection (Mrs S Spratt)
While members of the School Safeguarding team have clear roles and responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of pupils within the school, all staff, including volunteers have a shared responsibility in implementing the Child Protection Policy.
Key Safeguarding Procedures
In order to safeguard our pupils the following key procedures are in place:
All staff- teachers, non-teaching staff and volunteers – are aware of the signs and indicators of abuse.
All staff- teachers, non-teaching staff and volunteers - have clear guidance on the action which is required where abuse or neglect is suspected.
All staff and volunteers undergo a vetting procedure in order to maintain the highest standard of professional care towards our children.
All teaching and non-teaching staff receive Child Protection training organised by the Designated Teacher.
All teaching and non-teaching staff are required to adhere to the Professional Code of Conduct.
All pupils are aware of our Child Protection procedures and who to speak to if they are in danger of harm
All parents/guardians are provided with an overview of our Child Protection Policy in Term 1 each year, and may request the full Child Protection Policy from the school office at any time.
Children will be supervised at all times while in the school grounds.
Children will only be permitted to leave school during the school day if they are signed out by a parent or other designated family member.
All visitors to the school must report to the school office.
The school works closely with outside agencies to monitor the welfare of pupils either suspected or known to be at risk.
At Castlederg High School, all staff are proactive in promoting a strong anti-bullying culture. Pupils are encouraged to report any concerns immediately to either a member of staff or their parent/guardian, who should then contact the school immediately. As a school community we place a strong emphasis on promoting positive interpersonal relationships and a sense of social responsibility. Our Senior Pupil Leaders including prefects and peer mentors, are excellent role models for the wider school community. As a result, many pupils look out for each other.

As internet use has become a daily part of most young people’s lives, students must know how to protect themselves and their identities at all times - especially when teachers and parents aren’t there to help them. Preventative education is delivered to all year groups to give our students the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe online.