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Learning Support

Achievement for all pupils is actively promoted in Castlederg High School according to the
ethos of inclusion. We do this by providing additional support to those pupils who require it,
to ensure they too reach their full potential across all subject areas. Our staff strive to ensure
that all pupils have a positive learning experience in all aspects of school life.


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Dyslexic Friendly SchoolAll staff provide a Dyslexic Friendly Classroom by using various strategies in their teachingto ensure learning takes place for all pupils. These strategies help remove barriers to learningfor all pupils so that they are working to the best of their ability across the curriculum.

Reading Partnership
We offer Reading Partnership within school, which is one to one reading support with a Learning Support Assistant for one period per week throughout the school year.

In Class Support
Where appropriate, pupils are supported in their learning through in class support provided by our highly committed Learning Support Assistants. This is provided in a discrete manner, to ensure inclusion for all pupils.

All teachers will differentiate work for individual pupils were necessary within their streamed classes.

Sensory Needs
We have a sensory room where pupils if necessary can go for Pastoral Time Out to regulate their emotions.

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