Community Partnerships
At Castlederg High School we have developed effective partnerships with a range of organizations, both locally and on a regional basis, all of which are designed to enhance the personal development, educational experience and employability skills, or prospects, of our pupils.
Pupils avail of this valuable opportunity throughout the year groups and across subject areas as the curriculum dictates in the form of:
access to further resources or facilities;
presentations by visiting speakers;
industrial visits;
interview skills;
work experience.
Shared Education
Castlederg High School is a central part of the Derg Valley Shared Education Partnership. The partnership has secured funding from the Shared Education Signature Project for a 3 year programme which also involves Killen PS, St Caireall’s PS, Ardstraw Jubilee PS, Langfield PS and St Joseph’s PS. The programme is based around delivery of STEM subjects and PDMU/LLW activities and will involve pupils from all schools in Years 6, 7 & 8.
It focuses on 4 key areas:
Learner Centred Activities
High Quality Teaching & Learning
Effective Leadership and
Community Connections.
The programme will allow pupils, teachers and the wider community access
to additional resources and experiences.
Extended Schools
Derg Valley Extended School Cluster Groups work together to enhance after school provision for pupils. The Custer group is now in its seventh year and during this time a number of whole school initiatives have been introduced. Currently the target areas for development are Literacy and Numeracy through Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Maths. Another key strand of Extended Schools is to develop community links between parents, community groups and schools. To meet this need the Derg Valley Cluster group have provided Arts and Crafts activities and Driver CPC courses.
The Cluster group also helps the transition between Primary and Post Primary for pupils, with after school clubs held here at Castlederg High School for primary school pupils as well as team building days that form part of the Year 8 Induction process.
Community Hire
Castlederg High School will consider requests from community groups for hire of the school’s facilities. To enquire about hire of the school's facilities, please contact Mrs S. Cashel (Principal).
For enquiries regarding use of the Sports Pavilion please contact Mr M. Buchanan (Pavilion Co-ordinator).